The Waingākau vision is to support whānau Māori into homeownership, especially first home buyers.
We are proud to walk alongside whānau Māori to support them through the complex journey of homeownership. The dream of obtaining a warm, dry, healthy, safe and efficient home can become a reality.
Sorted Kāinga Ora - Building Financial Capability
The Sorted Kainga Ora (SKO) Programme supports whānau by providing the education and tools to make the dream of homeownership a reality. This programme introduces you to a local Mortgage Broker, Lawyer, Real Estate Agent, and KiwiSaver Advisor to assist whānau on their homeownership journey.
Since 2019, we have completed 15 eight week SKO programmes, with 31 whānau (42 people) purchasing their first home from the 245 graduates.

Whāi Pānga - Shared Equity
"Nāku te rourou, nāu te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi. With your basket and my basket we will sustain everyone."
Shared Equity/Ownership is a form of 'Deposit Support' designed to help whānau secure a mortgage. Te Puni Kokiri support TToH to purchase a percentage of the home (equity) and over 15 years the whānau buy the TToH equity out.

Taiwhenua Tautoko - TToH Contribution
Waingākau incorporates modern architecture, quality materials and clever design to only build Haukāinga Hauora (Healthy Homes). This means, passively warm, dry, healthy, safe and efficient homes, this is a core value and with the support of Te Haaro, TToH contribute $20,000 per whānau. Waingākau continue striving to create homes obtainable for a range of whānau budgets.