Mike has a lifelong connection to his marae, Ruahāpia. Apart from serving on numerous marae committees he has also been the grounds-keeper for the past 30 years. This is what helps him remain humble, with his feet on the ground.
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Mike has had extensive governance and director experience. He has been a board member of TToH since 2003, serving the past eight years as Chairperson. He has also been on the board of Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Inc since 2010.
Mike believes that good governance principles and a good dose of common sense go a long way together. This has led to his involvement with numerous boards and committees representing the interests of iwi and hapū. He feels privileged and honoured to have been given these opportunities.
Kane Koko (WHDL Director)
Kane Koko
Waylyn Tahuri-Whaipakanga (WHDL Director)
Waylyn Tahuri-Whaipakanga
Waylyn is the Chief Executive Officer for Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga (TToH) Ngāti Kahungunu, Tamaterangi and Ngai Tūhoe, Tamakaimoana.
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Waylyn has a 25 year career in Health and Social Services in a number of leadership roles including Kaupapa Māori NGO, iwi and Hawke's Bay District Health board. She is a successful business woman and has concurrently runs her own business for the past 20 years. Waylyn is a proud service member of Hōhepa Hawke's Bay Trust Board and is newly elected member of the NGO Council New Zealand.
George Reedy (WHDL Independent Director)
George Reedy
George is the Chief Executive Officer for Te Runanganui o Ngāti Porou. Mr Reedy (MBA) is a charted accountant and has for the past 7 years, been employed as CEO with Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga based in Hastings.
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Mr Reedy has extensive governance and director experience sitting on many government and commercial boards. He has strong business background which brings valuable skills and knowledge from both the public and private sectors.
Ringa raupā - Our Operations Team
Ry Stinton
Ry is the General Manager for Commercial at Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga. He is a qualified accountant with over 20 years of experience born from working in high profile roles with two of the worlds most recognisable organisations; Rolls-Royce and PWC UK.
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Ry brings alot of expertise and skill as the previous Chief Financial officer for Not-for-profit organisation as CFO and GM Corporate Services for TToH.
Ry is an energetic, successful and determined leader, strategist and financial expert. He offers insight and growth opportunities in all roles. He has overseen finance groups of engineering companies (turn over of $250m and 500 employees) Securing funding for $100m capital project, leading business acquisitions and more recently leading, owning, creating and successful property development consortium and housing development.
I te taha o tōku māmā, Ko Whakapūnake tōku maunga. Ko Ruakituri rātau ko Hangaroa, ko Kaitarahae ōku awa. Ko Te Reinga tōku wairere. Ko Te Reinga tōku marae. Ko Ngāti Hinehika me Ngāti Kōhatu ōku hapū. Ko Ngāti Kahungunu tōku iwi. Ko Hinekōrako te taniwha kaitiaki.
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I te taha o tōku pāpā, Ko Ngāti Toa Rangatira ki Wairau te iwi. Ko Tokomaru te maunga. Ko Wairau te awa. Ko Matapere Kawhe tōku tupuna. Heoi anō, kei te ako tonu au i te whakapapa o tōku pāpā.
James has developed his professional career within various kaupapa Māori organisations and loves working with whānau. He has Bachelor of Business Studies and Masters of Management from Massey University, with his final report topic was ’Exploring Māori values; Embracing Cultural Intelligence to improve outcomes in a changing New Zealand’. Outside of the office, James has a strong connection to the outdoors and thrives on the principals o ngā atua Māori. James is born and bred in Napier from within a Freezing Worker whānau. He is an active father with his three boys and loves living in Kahungunu.
“Kei te tika te moemoeā o Waingākau. He whare hou, he huarahi pai - He kainga mahana, he huarahi ora – Tīhei Mauri ora!”
Ko Takitimu te Waka. Ko Tamatea Arikinui te Tangata. Ko Kahurānaki te Maunga. Ko Ngaruroro raua ko Tukituki ngā Awa. Ko Poukawa te Waiu. Ko Te Whatuiāpiti te Rangatira. Ko Kahurānaki te Marae. Ko Te Hapuku te Tūpuna
Vanessa is born and bred in Heretaunga, and now resides in Flaxmere
I te taha o tōku māmā. Ko Rakaipaaka, ko Taneroa ōku hapū. Ko Moumoukai, ko Maungaraki ōku maunga. Ko Nuhaka, ko Ruamahanga ōku awa. Ko Ngā Nuhaka, ko Hurunuiorangi ōku marae. Ko Kahungunu, ko Tetahitanga ōku whare tipuna. Ko Takitimu tōku waka. Ko Ruawharo, rāua ko Tuupae ōku tohunga. Ko Tamatea Ariki Nui te Tangata. Ko Ngāti Kahungunu tōku iwi. Ko Makere Mita-Waata Whaanga tōku māmā.
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I te taha o tōku pāpā. Ko Uru-ahi tōku hapū. Ko Hikurangi tōku maunga. Ko Waiapu tōku awa. Ko Mangahanea, ko Tinātoka ōku marae. Ko Hinetapora tōku whare tipuna. Ko Tokomaru tōku waka. Ko Ngāti Porou tōku iwi. Ko Rangi Tukia Te Kira tōku pāpā.
Ko Rikki Te Kira tōku ingoa. Nō Whakaoriori ki Wairarapa ahau. Kei Paharakeke au e noho ana. Ko Cilla Te Kira nee Mitchell tāku wāhine purotu. Tokotoru āku tamariki, ko Payton rātau ko Karybe ko Rikki-Lee. Tokotoru āku mokopuna, ko Teao Wheriko rātau ko Te Whetu ko Kyra.
Rikki has worked in the housing space for a number of years from co-ordinating the "Low Deposit Rural Lending" homeownership education programme in the early 2000s with TToH. This enabled whānau to be empowered with the education and tools to get their finances in order and then applying for a 3% deposit mortgage loan with Housing NZ, therefore achieving the "Kiwi Dream". This opened another journey for the next decade with HNZC (& then MSD) assessing & providing social housing for whānau with serious needs. Rikki experienced on many occasions "the next generation" within the same whānau coming through the doors, thinking it was their only option for housing. This became the motivation for Rikki to re-educate our whānau by returning back home to TToH and deliver the "Sorted Kainga Ora" (SKO), a TPK Finacial Capabilities Program. This has assisted many whānau to make their kiwi dream of homeownership a reality. With Waingākau in full steam ahead, it has enabled two of the SKO graduate whānau move into their brand new kāinga - therefore fulfilling their journey on the Ngā Kāinga Poutama. Outside of the office, Rikki is a dedicated family man, a well known DJ, rollerskater and national Māori Basketball tourney champion.